
07 November 2010

A beautiful day

Nothing much is happening around here. We've celebrated Mirja's birthday and a lot of other birthdays. Seems all I've done is drive everyone around wherever they're going. Autumn disappeared somewhere too. How did I miss it? Now there aren't any leaves in the trees and we even got a little snow. I'm not ready for winter yet! I hope they're wrong when they're talking about 5-10 cm snow on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Today we had a beautiful day. The sun was shining. The sky was blue. I went on a walk in the forest. It was very quiet, just the sound of the water flowing in the small river.


  1. Happy birthday, Mirja. Snow already! It seems too soon. Your photos are stunning. I especially like the lichen on the branch. Such gorgeous colours.

  2. Thank you LeAnn! The snow will melt away, that's why I'm not looking forward to getting it. The snow usually doesn't stay on the ground until Christmas maybe.

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