
08 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Muddy Lab...Doggie Trinket Dish

I haven't really made any jewelry lately 
(other than small gifts for friends of my girls). 
I've been too busy knitting and photographing.

This is what I gave to my mom for Mother's Day:

A pinched and hand sculpted little dish for holding jewelry, 
soap, votive... from Elukka.

Dichroic Fused Glass Pendant Star fish Necklace

A gorgeous necklace from 

Some of these bunnies also moved in with my mom
and some stayed with us in Espoo.

Handmade from gourds, paper mache and chipboard from recycled 
cereal boxes from Mama Gourds.

Mirja made these for me.

Cards for my mom 
(Mirja made the one above and Ronja made the one below).
Ronja actually made her card in the car going to Porvoo.
She was too busy at home playing Angry Birds...

Mirja had made a hedgie for my mom.


  1. Love all the adorable gifts for your mother. Charming and full of warmth and love.

  2. Thanks Mary! She loved everything and we had a wonderful time!


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