
29 May 2011

An evening walk

The school year is coming to an end.
One more week to go before the summer break.
We've been busy the last couple of weeks.
Ronja spent a wonderful week in Parga, in Greece,
with her grandparents. Of course there was a volcano 
erupting on Iceland again even if the effects were not as 
severe as last year when their flight from Spain was
delayed a little because of the ash.
Mirja had her last badminton class this spring.
We've baked to raise money for a nature school
Ronja's class is going to do in the autumn.
These pics are from Mirja's last scout meeting
for this spring: picnic in the park. 


  1. Ohhhh....lovely shots! I especially love the one of the tree stump and the mushroom though they are all cool!

  2. Spring is such a wonderful season! Thanks for sharing yours with us!

  3. Thank you Beth and Nellie! It's officially summer - we have mosquitoes!


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