
06 June 2010

Horses and Espoo Manor

On Thursday evening we went to the Fageräng stables. They have specialized in Icelandic horses. Mirja had a chance to go riding in the forest while I walked beside her and Teista (Icelandic for guillemot or murre). It was a lot of fun! On our way home we stopped at Espoo Manor to take some pics. It was a very beautiful evening.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful place. What nice horses for kids.

  2. The light in your photos is beautiful. Those horses seem sturdier and smaller than what I am used to. Lovely.

  3. The horses are closer to ponies in size. They are very easy to handle and good tempered. That's why it's possible for complete beginners to go riding in the forest.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I will return your visit (if I haven't visited you already), but please be patient. I might not be able to do so until the weekend. Take care!